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Santa a Shopper and SDHP

Santa a Shopper and SDHP

HOH 2020

HOH 2020

Check Presentation at DHS 2

Check Presentation at DHS 2

Baseball Gear

Baseball Gear

BH Pioneer Article

BH Pioneer Article

Cops N Kids 2019

Cops N Kids 2019

HOH 2019

HOH 2019



LCSO and Santa

LCSO and Santa

Our Badges N Kids  program is a offered as a program within Black Hills Badges of Hope that helps promote positive interactions between local first responders and area youth. One of the major events hosted each year by the funds in our Badges N Kids Program is our annual Christmas Shopping event, This event is paid for by donations received during our Badges N Kids fundraising campaign that we kick off in October of each year. The Badges N Kids program is a fund that is used all year long for various opportunities to promote positive interactions between first responders and local youth. The  program also provides youth opportunities to thrive in the community through sports and activity  sponsorship allowing participation they would not otherwise be able to do because of financial hardships experienced by their families. 

Thank you for all of the support over the years, in 2023 we were able to support 244 children in the Black Hills Region from 60 different families over the holiday season, pushing us over 1,000 kids hosted in the past 5 years. We assisted another 70 kids directly through donations to various youth programs, sports and activities along with sponsoring family events through The Rapid City Club for Boys program, providing positive interactions for countless kids in the club. We are only able to do because of the generous support of our donors, you all make it all possible, and we are humbled to have your support.


We would like to thank all of our past donors, individuals, groups and business who have supported us and continue to do so year in and year out. Without this support events like this are not possible. We cannot thank you enough for the investment you continue to make into our communities future, making our future generations feel empowered to do great things as they grow with our community.

Christmas Event

2023's Christmas Shopping was hosted by Black Hills Badges for Hope and with the help of numerous individual and business donors from across the Rapid City and Black Hills area. It is because of the great partnerships we hold that we can host this event each year.  2022 was a a great year, but proved we still had many kids in our community who could use Christmas Joy. There are many families in our community who struggle each year, and our program brings hope that they can carry into a new year. Our Badges N Kids program is designed to help those kids and their families year around with money donated each year through our annual fundraising campaigns. In 2023 we hosted 244 kids and their families with having a memory filled Christmas. Along with those hosted families and kids we have over 200 volunteers from the community and first responder agencies step up and make this the biggest Christmas shopping event weve ever hosted. We are looking forward to 2024.

Christmas Event

2022's Christmas Shopping was hosted by Black Hills Badges for Hope and with the help of many generous donors we were able to raise enough funds to fund the entire shopping event.  2021 was a year that seemed like a rebound for all of us, coming off COVID and being back in person made the event that much better. We recognize that families in need struggle on a regular occurrence and our goal has always been to help kids in those homes. Our Badges N Kids program is able to help those kids year around with money donated each year through our annual fundraising campaign. In 2022 we hosted 215 kids and their families with having a joyful Christmas. We are looking forward to 2023.

Christmas Event

2021's Christmas Shopping was hosted by Black Hills Badges for Hope and with the help of Power 107.1 KSLT Radio station and their listeners we were able to raise enough funds to fund the entire shopping event. Last year's listeners were the backbone to this event happening and being successful, listeners generosity goes above and beyond each year. 2020 was a weird year for all of us, it was hard for everyone but even harder on those in need. We recognize that families in need struggle on a regular occurrence and our goal has always been to help kids in those homes. Our Badges N Kids program is able to help those kids year around with money donated each year through our annual fundraising campaign.

Christmas Event

2020'S Badges N Kids was a huge success in a year of so much uncertainty, 114 kids from 45 different families received gifts delivered to them from first responders all across the Black Hills Region. Check out the awesome news story from our Law Enforcement Partners from the Spearfish Police Department here

Christmas Event 

2019's event was hosted by Black Hills Badges for Hope with the help of several corporate sponsors, private donors and volunteers. We chose to expand our reach last year to include several smaller Black Hills area towns. The number of kids we  set out to help last Christmas season was 115. It was a very successful year and event. We want to thank all of our past donors and let you know this event was not possible without your support.

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